Just a quick post, hopefully I will have time tomorrow to post pics. I have pin basted my quiltalong quilt so it is all ready to go. I pin basted on my cutting table as I just can't get on the floor anymore to baste a quilt - my knees just won't do it. I spent a good part of my sewing time today cutting and tracing applique's for the new pattern I am trying out and also did a test run on kitchen towels and hot pad/pot holder for the craft sale for the quilt guild sale. I practiced free motion quilting on a little tooth fair pillow I am making for my youngest granddaughter. So yes, I have been busy.
The one item I did not have for the quilt along was a Quilt Journal, I found a nice little hardbound journal at Kohl's that I think I will be using. I have never kept a sewing journal - usually I use little post it note pads and pieces of scrap paper that I make notations on when sewing, but nothing I keep for future reference. It is a wonderful idea.
WHEW - it feels good to finally have my sewing motivation back again. For the last couple of months I just didn't feel motivated, part of it was all the trouble I was having with my pink and brown quilt blocks, but that is another story :) Hope everyone had a little time to sew over the weekend. Looking forward to the Labor Day long weekend - I will make time to sew for an entire day ! Whoooppeee. Bernie
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Free Motion Quilt A Long
Christina over at " A Few Scraps.blogspot" is having a quilt along and I think I will join, doesn't that just fit in with my throwing together the Halloween quilt because I want a "real" quilt to practice on.? She is giving away prizes too so anyone interested in this should check her blogsite out. Her entry deadline is August 21st, but she didn't say how long the quilt along will be. I hope she gives us some time cause I am sew slow. This will be the first anything I have joined in on so maybe it will help keep me motivated.


Sunday, August 15, 2010
Estate sale finds
Thank you for your sweet comments on my fast and dirty Halloween quilt - I have to dig out the backing this week and hopefully pin baste it next weekend so I can start quilting it - this one might just be done by Halloween! I don't know how I did it but I deleted my post after uploading probably far too many pics. Ah well, I will now make this one shorter and I hope sweeter. I must confess to going with a good girlfriend to an estate sale during our lunch hour last week and purchasing a queen sized hand pieced, hand quilted basket quilt and an old sewing machine. Sewing Machine Anonymous, that is what I need. I have a weakness for old machines, especially if they are going to end up at the local dump. I can't fix them, but they are interesting to me. But, no more, I have no place to hide, umm I mean store them. :) Anywho, here are a few pics. OH yeah, I did start cutting blocks for a new quilt today, but more on that later.
Look at the neat little stitches.
It does have damage to the top and several of the blocks, but I am going to try to patch it up as best as I can and put it on display in the guest bedroom. I heart it.
Now, about that sewing machine addiction, really, this machine makes a beautiful stitch, all I have to do is figure out how to get that bobbin case out and how to thread it and oil it and I could use it just for piecing. Right?
It has a Montgomery Ward logo, #30, I am guessing maybe 1940's or 50's? Lots of neat attachments.
Part of what intrigued me about this machine - I never saw one like it before, and it is in such good condition. The bobbin case looks like Ft. Knox, not quite sure I want to take it out yet.
I think I have to unscrew it to take it out. The only thing missing was the manual, but maybe I can find one online.
I hope you all had simply wonderful weekends.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Halloween practice quilt
Well, I finished piecing my Halloween quilt, just for fun, it was fast and dirty, no pattern, no specific plan, just wanted to piece a quilt that I could quilt myself. It will be a gift for my granddaughters.
This is laid out on the floor - you see my cheater panel is set on point - I want to quilt it with that glow in the dark or maybe florescent thread with a spiderweb type design.
I am happy with it and I know the girls will love it. I have been in a slump as far as sewing and I am not sure why exactly. The quilt group I belong to is having a craft sale in October and we (members of the guild) are supposed to donate items for sale. I just don't know what to make. They have asked for small items that can sell for $20 or so. I thought today maybe some eyeglass cases or table runners? I don't know. I did purchase at Walmart a couple of Elvis apron panels and figured I would make those for the craft sale, they only cost me a couple of dollars each from the clearance bin and I think they are cute. Even though it is still hot here during the day, it is cooling down in the evening and I feel an early fall this year. Well, looks like computer is just about out of battery power so I will log out for now. Bernie
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