This past weekend I worked on a sample of the Delectable Mountain block (Bonnie Hunter) at She is just the best, I try to read her blog at least once a week. She shares a whole lotta patterns for free and is just fun to read and follow.
Every month the quilt guild I belong to has a member do a tutorial on "block of the month". My turn is this month. Members can (if they wish) make a few samples of that block for the next month and they are all put together for a drawing, each block you make equals one ticket for the drawing. If you win, you get all the blocks. The block can also be done up in red, white and blue and donated to our wounded warrior quilt efforts. I enjoy the quilt guild. Visiting with friends, beautiful eye candy when it is show and tell, it is a relaxing evening for me. So this is my demo for the quilt block:
Hopefully, if you click on the pic, you can see it enlarged, it is a fairly easy block with various setting options. It has been snowing all day and the weatherwoman predicts it will continue to snow all weekend. I am going to try to just stay and home and sew, my own little weekend retreat. Adios. Bernie.
The baby quilt is delectable and I'm sure she (he?) will love it as will the mother. I like your guild's block of the month activity--and the drawing. I may suggest that my guild do the same thing. Sounds like fun. Stay warm and safe through the snowstorm!